Wednesday, 7 November 2012


after seeing the first table, a recently re-united aquaintance asked if i'd make him one, but with the ability to store wine. after drawing some truly shit ideas, i just bought the wood and used this as an opportunity to design in real life as opposed to drawing on paper. first idea sucked, totally annihalted the first piece and it was ridiculously hard to get it to re-align again. and i thought to myself that by doing it this way i was going to end up with a really boring standard rustic table. so far most things have had some weird backward design process going through them. i decided i wanted the legs to hold a wine bottle, and try and push my leg design a bi,. going with this angualr idea (originally four but smashed two).

attatching these together wasn't too bad, screwing them to the top was a fricking nightmare. some intnese drilling, and some gnarly blisters later, all was good. the frame was a last minute idea, accidentally it adds as another rack, able to hold more awkward bottles (apart from J.P Chenet.)


a few days later, we crammed into a lift (with table) and put it into moustache boy's apartment. not going to lie, i'm amazed it's level and the feet fit to the floor pretty good. another friend's table next.


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