Monday, 20 August 2012

bye bye bench.

after what seems to be a million zillion shifts at the cheese on toast factory, and trying my hardest to catch diseases in foreign lands, i've found time to do a new post. woke up too early on a tuesday to drive up to stratford upon avon to deliver the bench to a charity place. did some final adjustments (screwed the legs together and made some plugs) and we lumbered the beast into my mum's car.

 it rattled around in the car a bit before we wedged it in, then i fell asleep most of the way on the journey up. after cleverly avoiding some traffic, we squeezed the car through some tiny gate before we park it in the yard of the old blacksmith, where it's set to rot and fall about the next few months. sorry, i meant decades. it fitted in pretty well, the yard just as ropey as what i'd made. eventually the lady finally let me leave, meet the gayest fenchman i have ever seen, and get stuck in traffice for a few hours before another shift at the cheese on toast place.

tomorrow im going to try and make a table in a day.

